picture trial

Posted By: AZpharologist

picture trial - 08/21/07 04:37 AM

[img] resized.jpg
Posted By: Dave H

Re: picture trial - 08/21/07 06:23 AM

Here are the issues you had in getting this picture to display:

* Have to have the end tag for the image to display. The end tag is always the same as the starting tag, but preceded by a /. In this case, [ /img ] without the spaces.
* Have to use the complete link as sent to you in the confirmation email, after substituting your email address and the file name.
* Can't have any spaces or illegal characters in the file name or anywhere in the link. You had a space in the file name. I have corrected the file name in the storage area.
* Email address and file name have to be exact matches to what was uploaded. In this case, the email address has letters reversed and you used lower case file name when the uploaded file used all upper case.

We have had several discussions on file posting, but they get stuck in the basement if they aren't surfaced every once in a while. One such discussion can be found here . I have also surfaced it so others can benefit. Probably worth a quick scan to help you as you work on images and get them uploaded to share with everyone.

Looking forward to your images.

Posted By: Lighthouse Duo

Re: picture trial - 08/21/07 10:36 AM

sorry Art, I didn't tell you enough ... hope the latest email helps ... as I said, I don't often use this function, because I host the pictures on our own web space. so I'll try it out here, just to make sure I told you right now....

Phew.... it worked!

I must admit, I find this complicated even though I handle pictures all the time and know a little bit about internet and webspaces etc. :rolleyes:

BUT I guess it is not easy to provide a function like this to all and so THANK YOU to who ever set this up!!!!! bow
Posted By: AZpharologist

Re: picture trial - 08/21/07 11:28 PM

Margret, I agree, this procedure is one of the most convoluted procedures devised. Must have been created by a computer genius. Art
Posted By: Dave H

Re: picture trial - 08/22/07 02:54 AM

The process is only as complicated and convoluted as people choose to make it. From the uploads page you only have to browse and choose up to 5 files to upload at one time, but you are asked if there are more you would like to upload. To post an image you use the information sent to you in the confirmation email and add your email and file name, along with adding the image tags (though the forums software will do that for you).

People are more than welcome to use your own space to store your files and link to them. There are many of the "free" storage sites that will not allow you to link directly to an image or will periodically shut down your links if they are used too much. After all, their intent is to sell you prints not provide free storage. The free storage space is made available courtesy of the Collector Forums for our members to use so that folks are able to share images if they choose.
Posted By: Lighthouse Duo

Re: picture trial - 08/22/07 05:33 PM

Dave I didn't mean my remark as a criticism!!!!

But - even though I do have some computer savvy - I find it difficult to remember all the conditions (file size, pic size etc. as well as the exact location etc.) And I guess it would be even harder if you are what my father calls "computer greenhorn"

But then I can't think of a way of making it easier.

I just wanted to acknowledge the difficulties. So nobody feels they can / should not ask for help!
Posted By: Dave H

Re: picture trial - 08/22/07 05:46 PM


The requests for file size and image dimensions are in place to allow for the lowest common denominator. If folks keep images to a max of 600 pixels on the longest dimension people should not have to scroll up/down or left/right to view the image. I know that if I have to do this I will just continue on and ignore the image. The file size is in place to allow for faster loading and using a little less storage space. We still do have people on dial up.

People forget that their monitor only displays at 72dpi for having a 2.5 meg file that is 300+dpi is significant overkill. If the person sharing feels that their images really need to be seen at a very large size with lots of dpi, they can always post a hot link that will take the viewer to another site where the image is displayed in the larger size.
Posted By: Cyndi

Re: picture trial - 08/23/07 02:25 PM

I have found it easier to keep the link to uploading images in my favorites. It is then quick and easy for me review the information for resizing and to upload.
Now all I need to do is take some pictures to upload and share.
Posted By: Lighthouse Loon

Re: picture trial - 08/23/07 03:12 PM

The first time I tried it I had a little trouble with it. Since then it's been easy to use.
Posted By: wheland

Re: picture trial - 08/23/07 10:22 PM

I always just go back to the last time I put photos in a post click edit and copy the picture info paste it into the new post and change the name of the file to the photo i want and voila!

The uploading part is extremely simple- I do wish we could see our photo files that we already have in storage so as to not repeat a name. I've learned to add the year like 07 to the photo file name to avoid that if it's a lighthouse I might have uploaded a photo of previously.

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