Posted on behalf of our Friend Maureen Atwell


Thanksgiving is always a time for me to reflect on all that I am thankful for. I would like to let everyone know just how thankful and how much I enjoy your friendship, kindness and zest for having a great time.

This year I was fortunate enough to finally meet, face to face, quite a few people, especially at the HL Reunion. Was that a blast or what?! So many huggable people I thought I was just going to burst with joy. I'm afraid to start making a list of names because I just know I'll forget one or two. But please know that I am forever thankful to be able to share a little time, a meal, or a hug or two with all of you.

Take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


[This message has been edited by engbrady (edited 11-21-2001).]