Hi! I'm a new-ish member here (2 months) and have a question... not sure if this is the spot, but it looks like people do go here, so a good a place as any :-)...

HL 357 (Cedar Point)... been looking for it for awhile, someone has it on eBay this week... but something curious I noticed... the one on eBay does not have the roller coaster on it... well, the structure is there but the cars are not...

Was there two different versions made? One with the roller coaster cars and one without? I'm confused. I really want the one with the roller coaster cars, but want to see if maybe there are two versions. To see the one on eBay without cars, it should be there until 08/29/16... it looks weird without the cars to be honest.

Someone in the know please let me know.

Thanks so much!!!
Chris Hulse