We have two TomToms, and I'd really recommend them. Easy-to-use interface, simple display, good reception. Great price. The regular device, the One 3rd Edition, is $170 on Amazon. I personally use the widescreen One XL, which is $300 ($350 with extra voice features, which I find no need for). Comparing my XL to my mom's regular one, the extra map space is definitely nice...but not essential if you'd rather save the $130.

Not sure if your address will work (the data that John mentioned sometimes takes a while to update sometimes), but worse comes to worse, you can figure out what the "address" is for the nearest access road and use that, and navigate the distance between there and the driveway by memory. (Hopefully you know that part!)

Another thing I'd recommend, if you don't have it, is Streets and Trips. I use this to do the initial plotting for my trips, following the directions on the map and placing the "pushpins" at the light or viewing point. Then you can go into the Location Sensor in S&T, roll the mouse over the pushpin, and get the GPS coordinates to plug into the GPS system. Navigates me right to the light.

I also use Google Earth a lot, comparing it with photographs on the various websites, but that's getting REALLY obsessive there.