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A Little Bit Of Everything New England #69741 08/06/02 02:49 PM
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wheland Offline OP
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I returned late last week from my latest Lighthouse trip in parts of New England. I made a few promises to my wife about this vacation- it would not be all about Lighthouses, things would not be scripted down to the minute and unless absolutely required (Ferry Schedules, etc) no alarms.

I tend to map out my trips pretty much before I leave, sometimes I get a little too scheduled. She said I did pretty good about this after the trip.

This trip was different because it had three seperate reasons for the trip-
1. Make a visit to my Aunt in Albany, NY that I'm guardian for.

2. Go to some Poco concerts, 1 in Albany and 1 in Stratham, NH.

3. Visit some Lighthouses, especially Block Island Lighthouses.

We left Trenton on 7-24 (Wed) and drove up to Hyde Park, Ny where my wife, Esther, has some relatives. Visited with them and stayed overnight.

We continued on to Albany the next day (7-25) and stopped in and visited with my Aunt and made sure all was well and took care of some legal paperwork.

We left there and went down to the hotel we were staying at to meet up with some people from the Poco List I'm on (the people there are as nice as the people on this Forum).

While checking into the hotel I was pleasantly surprised to run into 2 members of the band Poco (Rusty Young & Jack Sundrud) who happened to be staying at the same hotel. We had a nice conversation (and saw them several more times before and after the show at the hotel).

We went to the free outdoor concert and it was great. I'm a Poco fan from wayback- I started listening to them in 1969.

There was one of the list members who lived outside Albany and he had a bunch of us Poconuts (every group has it's own name) back to his house for a nice after concert party. We even got a mini concert by one of the guests. It reminded me of the nice time I had at the spring Regional earlier this year when i met many of the Wackos in person.

We left Albany on 7-26 (Fri) and traveled on to Stratham. Unfortunately due to a late start (long talking breakfast with Poconuts and then stopping back at my Aunt's) and heavy traffic we did not get any Lightousing done this day.

We were staying outside Portsmouth, NH so we took a drive into the town and walked around to the shops and got some dinner. I had the brilliant idea of driving out to FT Constitition after that.

As I suspected you can't get into the grounds at night and we did see the Light from Whaleback.

We got up the next morning (7-27 Sat) and drove up to Cape Neddick. Busy place . We had to drive around for 10-15 minutes before a space opened up. I would have been even busier the next day- that's when they do the Christmas In July Lighting. you could see the lights already in place on Nubble Light.

The spot is very popular with scuba divers. I talked to a couple- there is nothing special about it, it's just a good place to take new divers to get started, but there are some tricky places for the more accomplished divers. There are no wrecks close by to dive to.

The weather was mostly cloudy, but there was no fog close to shore. We did get some nice pictures which i'm going to figure out how to put somewhere so I can show them here (any quick ideas?).

We left there and drove up to the Lighthouse Depot. We had never been there before as we were not Lighthouse Wackos the last time we were in Maine.

Nancy Younger was there doing a signing. I was a good boy and did not buy anything. I knew I wasn't going to be there when the contest was over (Poco show at 4 PM an hour away). I did speak to Mrs Younger for a monment and we looked around the store.

We did buy some shirts, postcards, etc and took a walk over to the Museum. It's small, but it's got some interesting items over there.

I was hoping Mr Harrison would be there, but this was also the day that the Official Transfer of the Little River Lighthouse to ALF. I saw the ceremony on the news later that night.

This was the extent of my Lighthousing on SAT. We had to get to Stratham, NH for the first set of the Poco concert at 4 PM. It was 2:30 by this time and we had been informed that the Maine Turnpike was snarled on both sides with multimile backups. I took out the map and found a back way that didn't go to far out of the way and we got there about 3:45.

The show on Sat was good and bad. The first set had sound problems, but the second set at 8 PM ent better. The band had worked out the technical problems.

They had also enjoyed the rides, etc at the Fair (Stratham Fireman's Fair). We also got a daredevil driving smash em up demonstration right next to the stage in between the sets.

Sunday (7-28) dawned and we were on on way to Portland, ME. We went down to FT constitution to see the Harbor Light. The weather was extremely cloudy and the closer you got to water the foggier it got.

We got a good view of Portsmouth Harbor Light, but unfortunately the fog was os thick we could only get a shadowy figure look at Whaleback.

I left there and drove over to Ft McClary on the Maine side hoping to get a better view. Unfortunately, it was even worse over there. At first we could not even see Ft Constitution. We waited a few minutes and the fog lifted partly and we got a different view of the Portsmouth Harbor Light, but we never got a clear view of Whaleback.

I had hoped to get to Portsmouth early enough on Friday to take the Lighthouse Cruise, but did not get there early enough so we had no other time available so we never got out to the Isle of Shoals. Next time.

We left Ft McCleary and drove on up to Cape Porpoise to get a look at Goat Island Lighthouse. We decided to skip driving out to Walker Point on the way. We had gone out there in the past and felt no need to buck the traffic to see President Bush's family house.

The weather was still very foggy and we did not get a clear view of the Goat Island Lighthouse. Cape Porpoise looked like a nice little town.

I had planned on stopping at Wood Island in Biddeford Pool, but I decided to skip it based on the weather. It's a longer distance from shore than Goat Island and I figured it would be very difficult to see.

We continued up the coast (a mistake)to get to Portland Head/ Cape Elizabeth. This route was fine until I got to Old Orchard Beach. It took about 20 minutes to go about 6 blocks. I should have gone inland and then back to RT 77.

We got to Cape Elizabeth and went down to the small parking area beneath the Lighthouses. We had lunch at the restaurant that is there. the food is pretty good and the prices are not bad. We had eaten there the last time we were here (about 8 years ago).

I was able to get some nice pictures here as the fog was not as close here. We did not drive up to the stree as we were running late and I wanted to get to Portland Head.

We got to Portland Head, but unfortunately it was 4:05 by the time we got there and the Museum closes at 4 PM. The fog was much thicker here and it was almost impossible to see Ram Island Ledge, let alone get a picture.

I got some nice pictures of Portland Head- even a couple with almost no people around it. It was impossible at that time of day to get any with no one in the picture. I have some from my first visit that have no people.

We left there and continued on the Portland. We went down to see the Portland Breakwater and Spring Point Ledge Lights.

We were able to get a clear view of the "Bug" light, but the Spring Point Ledge Light was shrouded in fog. You had to walk almost to the end of the breakwater it is on to get a clear shot of it, and even then it was still a little hazy.

We did walk out to the end of both breakwaters. The museum there of course was closed. This is one of the drawbacks to the promises I made about this trip.

We spent the night in Portland. The weather finally broke loose after we had checked into our hotel and we had a heavy downpour. We decide to go for a swim and wait it out.

End of Part 1

Re: A Little Bit Of Everything New England #69742 08/06/02 03:03 PM
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wheland Offline OP
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Part 2

The next morning Monday 7-29 we did set the alarm (we had to be at the dock for the Block Island Ferry by 4 PM) We got on the road fairly early (9AM) for this trip.

We stopped in Newburyport, MA and proceeded to find the Range Lights. It's fairly easy to get a good picture of the Rear Range (especially from the back of the building it's part of), but it's almost impossible to get a picture without wires in it.

The Front Range Light is hard to get a good shot of. they are doing construction work at the Coast Guard Facility that it sits behind. I went down the drive to a small marina behind the Rear Range Light, but there's a high Fence and it makes it difficult to get a clear shot from there.

I did the best I could and continued on to the Plum Island Lighthouse. It's well kept and sits in a little park at the end of the island. It's open for tours, but of course not on Mondays.

The Keeper's house is lived in, but I'm not sure by whom. they had several signs to keep away from it.

We left here and continued on our way. I intended to get to Annisquam and Eastern Point Lighthouses in the Glouscter, MA area.

I had used both Stret Atlas (computer program) and Courtney Thompson's books (Lighthouses of Maine & Lighthouses of Southern New England) for my directions. They had different streets and did not asgree , particularrly on where Annisquam was.

I found it very difficult to find. I got close and even at one point saw part of the Lantern room, but I could not seem to get close. I gave up mostly because of where I got the closest was a private residential area.

We left there and tried for Eastern Point. I had good directions (I thought) but I made an incorrect turn and went down to the end of the wrong point. I decided to give up on this one also as I was running late and was concerned about getting to Galilee for the Ferry on time.

We did get there on time- by about 15 minutes.

I asked one of the employees if you got a view of Pt Judith or North block Island Lighthouses from the Ferry and she told me no so I left the camera in the car on the way over. Of course, you can see both of these l;ights from the ferry (long views, but you can tell what they are)

We got off the Ferry and went to the National hotel to check in and I got my first indication that I was not going to be as pleased with Block Island as I hoped.

It was about 95 degrees with about 100% humidity and I learned that there was no Air Conditioning in the hotel. This was my fault- I never asked the question.

I am very glad that they did not have my first room choice available- the one with the Skylight since these are on the 4th floor (no elevators either). We got one of the Corner Queen Rooms on the 2nd floor.

The hotel is very nice, but it was extremely warm in the room even with 2 windows and a small fan. (The second night was a little better).

We took a drive out to Southeast Block Lighthouse. I knew it was closed , but I figured I could get some nice pictures with no people in them. I was right.

We drove around for awhile and then had dinner at one of Bob M's suggestions- Dead Eye Dick's. This was the worst of the lot of his suggestions. I'd have to give it an B+ for the food and a C+ for the service. I attribute that to the business and the weather, though. I'm sure the waitresses and cooks were beat down by the heat.

We took a drive out to the North Light which you can see about a mile away from the parking area.

The next morning, Tuesday 7-30 we did the full tour of the island.

We went for a walk around the town before breakfast. We took another of Bob's uggestions and ate at Bethany's Aiprport Diner. Great choice. This one gets an A+ for both food and service. Very busy and everyone seemed pleased.

We got out to the North Light just at 10 AM which is the time it opens. Well, we got to the parking area at 10.

We walked out to the light . It's easier to walk closer to the water where the sand is compacted somewhat. we spent about an hour out there taling to the Docents and other visitors.

Unfortunately you can only tour the downstairs of the Lighthouse. They have some nice display set up including the original lens. They also have a number of Harbour Lights displayed in a case out there.

I looked at the bricks, but I could not find Paul's or anybody else I knew.

We left there and drove over to Southeast Block. The Museum was closed when we got there as a tour was going on.

We waited a few minutes and then got into the base of the tower for the museum. It's small, but they have some grat diagrams and books detailing the history of the Lighthouse.

We waited for the next tour and climbed the Tower. The docent gave a great little tour. We left the Lighthouse and drove down the road a bit to the Mohegan bluffs Overview.

We walked down the steps (about 200 or so) to the Beach and walked along for a bit. the Bluffs from that angle are tremendous.

We went back up and went over to the Observation Deck. You get a different angle on Southeast Block from here. We left there and drove back to town.

We decided it was time for Lunch and opted for another of Bob's suggestions. We ate at the Mohegan Grill.

Here we found something unusual- Air Conditioning. This almost automatically gave it an A+ in my book. All kidding aside, this was another winner. The food was an A+ and the service an A-. I'd ahve to say if Bob Says it's so on Block Island the odds are it is so.(Even if I did ignore his advice about the car- whichj I'm very glad I did. I have Air conditioning).

Esther wanted to go to the Beach after Lunch so she went and I took a drive around the Island for a bit. I then came back and sat on the Porch of the Hotel. It was not the one I was staying at since 3/4 of the porch is taken up by the Restaurant and the part that isn't sits in the sun in the afternoon. I went across the street and sat on the Surf Hotel's porch.

We went to Finn's for dinner. Another winner from Bob (A+ for both).

We got done just in time to get out to the North Light for Sunset. The colors were amazing. I tried to get some pictures, but I could not get the digital to completely cooperate. The colors just seemed to come out wrong. (apparently I was mistaken- I did no adjustment to these pictures)

We left Block Island the next day Wed 7-31 for New London, CT. We had breakfast at a restaurant that looked good to Esther- Aldo's. It was a good choice. Bob if you have not eaten there yet, try it you might like it.

I got some pictures of North block and Pt judith from the Ferry on the way back.

We drove through Rhode Island planning on stopping at several Lighthouses along the way. I had hoped to get an earlier Ferry, but none was available.

We drove to Wickford, RI as there was a little Lighthouse store there that I had found while our daughter was going to University of RI. We picked up some shirts, cards, etc.

We left there and proceeded to Warwick for the Warwick Lighthouse. Unfortunately, this is one better seen from the water . You can see it partially through the fence of the coast guard Facility, but that's it.

We left there and drove on to Conanimicut Point. there's a nice little park there where people were flying kites. We had a little difficulty finding it due to a detour that started before the street I needed to turn on and brouight you back after that street. the Lighthouse sits out in the middle of the river here.

It's directly across from Nyatt Point which you can see , but not very clearly across the water.I was hoping to be able to get to both sides of the river, but I had to meet my Brother in Law in New London at 6 PM and we were running out of time.

We did meet with my Brother in Law and his family. We went over to the Mohegan sun Casino where his oldest son is a Line Chef in the casino's kitchen.

Unfortunately we had a message waiting for us from the nursing home my Mother in Law is living at. This made a change in plans occurr.

We were planning on taking the Cross sound Ferry over to Long Island and driving back that way staying over and getting to many of the LI Lights.

I decided to cut the trip short and go home directly on Thursday 8-1 as my wife was concerned about the situation. I'm going to get to those LI Lighthouses one of these days.

All in all a great trip. We did not get to all the Lighthouses planned, but we never seem to have enough time. I guess I try and pack too much into each day, although I did better this trip.


Re: A Little Bit Of Everything New England #69743 08/07/02 02:40 AM
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Dave H Offline
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Well, Dennis, you certainly did cover some ground on this trip! I can relate to your problems with finding Annisquam. We were using Thompson's book (which I am not overly impressed with) and ended up in the same neighborhood. Could see the top of the lantern room, but that was it. We had another complication in that we had our fairly large Coleman pop-up camper hooked on the back of the van (didn't want to go where I could not easily turn around!)

Glad you enjoyed your trip and got a "hit" of Poco to keep you going. Sometimes you have to compromise with the rest of the family and go for the best deal possible, though I just can't understand why others don't want to go lighthousing non-stop!

Look forward to seeing some pics,


Re: A Little Bit Of Everything New England #69744 08/08/02 12:39 AM
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Laurie Offline
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Two years ago my family was vacationing in Rockport, and we went for a drive one day around the peninsula and found ourselves in Annisquam. We wanted to see more of the coastline, so we drove down some sidestreets and eventually saw a sign that said "Lighthouse" with an arrow. We followed it, but that was the last sign we saw. We drove around and around and were about to give up when my son spotted the tower very close by. We very easily could have driven right by. There was a small parking area and a place to climb down to a small beach and some rocks. We were able to get some nice pictures.

It does seem that this lighthouse does a good job of staying hidden.

Re: A Little Bit Of Everything New England #69745 08/08/02 01:14 AM
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I would have kept trying, especially after I saw part of the Lantern Room but I was on one of the only days that I had to be somewhere at a specific time.

I had to give it up and try again a later day.

I'm working on my pictures and hope to have some up tomorrow.


Re: A Little Bit Of Everything New England #69746 08/08/02 10:07 PM
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I tried adding picture, but they don't seem to stay there for some reason.

I'm going to try this way instead. Here's a link to my albums on Webpictures.

Let me know if this link does not work


Re: A Little Bit Of Everything New England #69747 08/09/02 01:46 AM
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It doesn't work Dennis. frown

Too bad you didn't get to Eastern Point and Annisquam as they are both nice lights and very easy to photograph.

I went north from Boston with my daughter and son-in-law in March of '99. We spotted Eastern Point right off. Jack was driving and I was directing. When we got to the "Private Road" sign he said, "We can't go down here." Well obviously he didn't know how to "lighthouse"! Go to the end and you're there.

In Rockport we found a Lighthouse shop that wasn't open yet that let us in and I picked up the Thompson book (along with other LH stuff, naturally) and we found Annisquam with no trouble. Jack was still driving and thought I was once again taking him into prohibited territory but this time he knew enough to keep still!

Sounds like you and Esther had a very busy trip and knocked off quite a few lights. Now if conditions had been perfect for getting to/seeing all of them you wouldn't have an excuse to go back! Hope your mother-in-law is better too.

Re: A Little Bit Of Everything New England #69748 08/09/02 01:05 PM
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If it had been any other day I would have kept driving around until I found Annisquam (especially after seeing the top of the Lighthouse) and gone down the correct road to Eastern Point.

Unless I'm mistaken you can see Thatcher Island Lights from the road I went down that was wrong. It's a long view and it was hazy so I'm not 100%sure.

There's always another day to get to that elusive Lighthouse.

Thanks for your concern about my Mother-in-Law. It was just a small crisis, nothing permanent but since we had been gone for over a week and had only one day left my wife felt she should return ASAP.


Re: A Little Bit Of Everything New England #69749 08/09/02 06:30 PM
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Here's one picture form the trip. It's actually one of the last ones taken.

Warwick Light Warwick, RI I think that's Bob going by in the background.

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