Oil companies are recording record profits. Many politicians apparently have "oil stock" in their portfolios. Is this why the average consumer must live with, and suffer in some cases, with the highest gas prices this country has ever experienced?
Oh tut tut Bob, its hard imagining you driving your Vette to the Dock as one of the angry proletariat blaming the secret forces of evil capitalism. smile

For what its worth, oil hit a peak of $67 barrel last Friday and energy stocks moved down.

Some causes of the higher price of gas...

[*]Rapid expansion of developing countries - especially China.

[*]Increased consumption from the real estate/housing boom.

[*]The impact of terrorism causing general uncertainty over attacks on Saudi oil fields and others.

[*]Oil somewhat replacing gold as the bad news hedge.

[*]Uncertainty over the hurricane season adversely affecting gulf rigs (which it has).

[*]Aging refinery capacity not keeping up with world demand - refineries are long term investments and very expensive to build.

Of course you can get employee pricing on a new Ford Extradition (ever get stuck behind one of those behemoths driven by a soccer mom on a cell phone? Yikes!) With all the money you'll save its almost like the gas was free! heh heh smile

Thank goodness Jimmy Carter isn't president.