Folks are posting in this thread what I think is true of many of us. Life happens! Things get in the way of spending time devoted to one group or another on the internet. That doesn't mean that any of us lose interest in the forums or in lighthouses. We just have to prioritize, and at times, the internet has to take a back seat, or fall a little ways from the top.

This topic of discussion takes place, time after time again in any given group. "Why are things must be because people are losing interest."

I consider myself to be a NEW MEMBER. I've only been a member here since June, '03, but I've obtained Super Wacko status in that time, and...not once have I offered anything for sale in the Marketplace. :rolleyes: I will also say (mentioned before) that I was one of those "lurkers" here for a couple of years.

I'm also an active member and a Forum Moderator of, and if number of posts count, I'm close to 2000 there. I also serve as Moderator at Brent (Pharoslvr) Westwood's Yahoo site, "Lighthouse Nuts" which is without a doubt, one of the most sucessful Yahoo sites.

At times, it's slow at either of those sites, and we have this same discussion.

I participate here and at, and Lighthouse Nuts because I love lighthouses and enjoy being around others who share my interest. It seems that the more I become involved with lighthouses, the more I become involved with lighthouses! smile

I'm here because I'm also what I consider a "hard-core" Harbour Lights collector, even though I don't fit the definition because I add Glows, LLOM, LSS's Anchor Bay, and now thanks to my best friend, Sky Balloons (pretty cool!) to my LE's. I enjoy the discussions w/other HL collectors, and staying in touch w/ these neat & knowledgable people. I've learned so much over the years through the HL Forums.

I probably check in here at least twice a day, and I spend a lot of time at, and as much time as possible at the Nuts site. The beauty of the other two sites is that we get to talk about ALL aspects of lighthousing, not just collecting.

Yes, like a few others, I duplicate some posts from one site to another, only because I feel the post might be important enough to give everyone a chance to read it.

However, there are times that I disapear from all 3 sites. Why? Priorities. Maybe I have company, or am involved with my family. Maybe I'm traveling. Maybe I simply don't feel like communicating for one reason or another...might be tired or not feeling well.

My point?...just that STUFF happens. In any group, on the internet or otherwise, you will see a small percentage actively participating. That's just a fact of life. You'll also see the ebb & tide, another fact of life. You'll see people come & go...a fact of life.

I love this site, and hope it continues for a long time. I plan to participate whenever I can, and I'm grateful for the new friends I've found here. I do not for one minute believe that people who have a passion for lighthouses are dropping by the wayside. I believe that tide is swelling!

How could this site improve? For what it's worth, I have a few suggestions:
(1)Look at and speak to your moderators...those who no longer have an active interest in being a leader should step aside and allow some new blood who will work to keep their sections active, accept those duties.

(2)Don't just welcome new members with words. Mean what you say, and welcome them w/ open arms. Many long-time members have a way of ignoring new members when they post. This intimidates some people to the point that they just drop by the wayside. If you want to take some time and review archives, you'll see this happen over & over.

(3)Try not to be so harsh w/ newcomers. People will post or not post. "Browbeating" them is not an effective tool. Always remember the percentage rule- a few will/most won't. Find a softer word than "lurker" for folks who join and don't post right away. If you can't find one, invent one! Where do you think the term "lurker" came from!

(4)If you are a long-timer, don't set yourself up as the absolute expert. Acknowledge the fact that "newcomers" to the site may know as much as you do. Accept the fact that times change.

(5) Don't worry so much! This is a great site and people are devoted to it. Go with the flow, and remember that tides change things. (If you don't believe that, just look at the coast of the Outer Banks!)

(6) Don't be so hasty to make generalizations. It is not true that ALL new members join only to sell their HL's.

Enough rambling from me...but I can't sign off without first giving John a huge thank you for all the work he puts into this site. It is not an easy task, and he does it exceptionally well!

