Whenever I turn my computer on at home to check my mail, I always check this website. It's one of my favorite places to visit. I still have a dial-up connection and don't always have time to read every new post. My husband sometimes complains that I spend too much time on the computer. So, I often go to my favorites first (Map Room/Lighthouse Photography/Lighthouse Papers). I check out the Rumor Mill and others when there is a lot of activity or around the time new pieces should be announced.

I've only been a member since March 2002. I have noticed that there have been fewer people posting lately. The welcome.start here forum is disappointing. When I joined, new members started a thread about themselves. It was interesting to hear about how they got started. Now it's mostly the same people welcoming members who seldom see post. Perhaps a follow-up could be sent to new members who register but never post.

I will spend $25 on Collector's Forum again.
