I've been a member for a couple years, but have never posted very frequently. Occasionally I have something I feel is worth contributing, or a question I believe could be answered here. Generally, though, I check in almost every day to read the latest postings. In fact, I read here about John's e-mail before I read the actual e-mail.

My old computer used to keep me logged in. The new one doesn't; often I don't bother to log in, and appear only as an anonymous "lurker". But I stop by often, I enjoy the Forums, and I really appreciate the work John and the cruise directors do to maintain them.

It's hard to add anything new to the observations above. I agree that the lighthouse "fad" is over as far as giftware, decorator items, etc. are concerned. (Remember a few years before, when everything was sunflowers? Wonder if there was a sunflower forum? But I digress . . .) I don't think the Forums' activity level ever relied heavily on those for whom lighthouses were merely a fashion statement.

I believe the end of the "fad" is one reason Y&A have had to diversify to survive. By the looks of their early 2004 releases, their LE line hasn't suffered from their diversification. Serious collectors still have a lot to like, to discuss, and to argue about. Maybe we all just have a little less time. The time stamp on this post will give you an idea when I can find the time to contribute. But I'll keep reading, and would hate to see the Forums go away.
